Coding4Fun Stack


Hi there! Welcome to my corner on the internet :))

This website started as a way of sharing knowledge and learning about my career. Around the years 2008, it was an active portal to share daily learning and activities related to my life, but for some reason, something was lost. Now I would like to introduce to you everything that is behind the scenes.

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The term Coding4Fun (coding for fun) means a form of connotation to express the feeling that we develop software for fun, that is, we dedicate a good part of our free time to the simple practice of writing source code out of a passion for what we do, besides of course, being the profession of several people. The intention here is to demonstrate that there is a wider world, which is the love for technology and the creation of software projects that help people around the world in some way.

Have you ever stopped to think about the number of hours that developers and architects spend in front of their computers implementing software and writing content related to the world of technology, this type of work activity provides constant challenges and many opportunities for growth over time. Why not combine work with fun, that is the point, for those who breathe technology, their aspirations go beyond simple work, as everything in their lives, since they were children (maybe), can be motivated by the area of sciences or computer science, they are people curious forever.

“Coding4Fun running through your veins, my dear!”. We are driven by fun and constant challenges, as our days are filled with fun, problem-solving and knowledge sharing. In addition to the difficulties faced in software project, which are not constant, we are fortunate and happy to be able to do what we love every day in life.

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My name is Ryan Padilha and this is my daily diary of work in progress.

As an accomplished software engineer with over fifteen years of experience, I’m a highly motivated, hands-on professional, and a results-oriented leader who thrives on challenges. I possess a strong track record of achieving significant results and have a deep understanding of digital transformation.

I have an unwavering passion for research and development, problem-solving, and helping people. My background is steeped in high-performance teams, and I am motivated to beat and surpass the goals from each quarter. I continuously seek opportunities for professional growth and am committed to staying updated with the latest industry trends and developments.

If you want, contact me at LinkedIn.

Ryan Padilha
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